New Works by Kaos Kustom Fangs:
Join the Kaos!
Clean. Safe. And only slightly undead! Kaos Kustom Fangs transforms your soul! Each fang is individually hand-craft to your specifications and is as unique as you! Long lasting and loads of fun, the fangmsith at KKF utilizes a professional dental process and high-grade dental acrylics to give your smile the edge it craves.
Offering many distinct and recognizable styles that range from traditional Vampire Fangs, Battle Orc Tusks, Double Werewolf, Underworld style, True Blood Fangs, The Vampire Diaries, Sabretooth, What We Do In The Shadows Fangs, Snake Bites, Cat and Kitten Fangs, as well as full sets like London After Midnight's demon-style teeth, Eve from Underworld 4, Grell, Scott's Alpha Werewolf Fangs from Teen Wolf, Zombie Teeth, along with original fang designs for Mahafsoun, Bokuwhyde, & Vampire Jack Townson! We can even design an original fang set for you! From traditional looks to original concepts, we also offer Kustom Kosmetic Repairs of Natural-Looking Teeth and Fangs so that we can give you the smile you've always wanted. Click Here to learn more.
Perfect for cosplay, photography, special fx, film, lifestyle choices, and intimate adventurous encounters, our prosthetics are custom fit to your teeth for a realistic and natural look and feel that is as unique to you. No glues. No mess or fuss. Each set of Kaos Kustom Fangs is specifically hand-crafted for you with our special Kaos Guarantee.
Our Mail Order Process is proven time and time again. We Fang The World! So, we know we can fang you Any Time... Any Place... Any Where on Planet Earth! Aliens and those loco locals, please Email Us for private fang appointments.
Fang On!

We Fang the World!